I’ve had the privilege of a long life... and I’ve seen a lot... great organizers, wonderful sports figures, religious leaders... great scientists, Presidents, Prime Ministers & Kings etc... BUT the only one who really reached my soul... was Christ.
He’s the only one who had the answers I was seeking and longing for. He was the only one who was willing to give up everything to help and save me. He was the only one who could spark a light in my soul.
And the funny thing is... that once I gave my all to Him... He turned around... and gave me everything I could have dreamed of... purpose, love, hope, good health, supply and a chance to touch the world, and make a difference.
Before... my eyes had been clouded, and everything was foggy and confusing... what to believe... who to believe. From the BIG BANG to Making BIG BUCKS... I was lost in a sea of opinions and perspectives... usually twisted by lies, pride and half-truths.
I remember arguing with the girl who witnessed to me saying... “I had seen religion... the hypocrisy of men using belief for personal gain... the dead end of using faith to rip people off or control them” ... and she countered... “forget religions... forget organizations... look at this... these are Jesus’ Words and HE wants nothing from you. He just wants to help you...” and she had me read John 3:16. We argued and argued, and she just kept taking me back to the Bible... and John 3:16. Finally, she said look... just say one prayer with me to receive Christ... and if, after that you don’t want to hear it... I won’t bother you anymore. So, I prayed for Jesus to come int my heart and life and... KABOOM... it was like a light had been turned on in my heart, and the fog was blown away. Such love and warmth... WOW! I stopped arguing and nothing has ever been the same since.
They say, “the proof is in the pudding” ... well I’ve got 50 years of pudding I can show you.
50 Wonderful Years of Love & Truth & Light. What more can I say... I Know... Whom I Have Believed... and He’s Made my Life Wonderful! 2 Timothy 1:12
February 12th
All I Have Seen Teaches Me To Trust The Creator
For All I Have Not Seen
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