I don't think the day the Lord threw the money changers out of the temple was some spur of the moment explosion. Jesus had been coming to the temple since he was a little boy. He'd seen that money changing den of thieves year after year after year. Matthew 21 12-13
When he finally let them have it... it was a well understood evil. As was the rebuke he gave the religious leaders of His day who allowed it.
He'd also seen the good, the faithful and the sincere souls who really loved the Lord. He knew who was who... and what was what... up close and personal. It Was Righteous Godly Anger and Judgement.
I think the Lord deals like this with all of us. He knows we are sinners and weak and fallible. He convicts with His Spirit to try and get us to clean up our act. He ever loves and cares and calls for us to come back to Him... He Is So... Soooooo Merciful... BUT...
After the sowing and tilling of our souls... if we do not bring forth fruits worthy of repentance... guess what comes next? I'll leave that to your imagination. Matthew 3
John the Baptist was very harsh to those who abused and used, the sincere worship of the Lord, for personal gain. Jesus called them whited sepulchres, beautiful without but full of dead men's bones. Lord help us to stay simple, humble and faithful. Matthew 6:24
November 14th
You Can't Serve God & Mammon
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