And The World Has Never Been The Same!
We were forgiven... saved and freed. The curse was broken, and the floodgates of love and mercy poured out upon the earth.
It sure didn't look like it at the time... but... the seed of sacrifice had been sown... the lamb of God slain... and the gates of Heaven were opened to all that would receive Him.
In the years to come those dumb stupid fishermen of His would go into all the world and share the Gospel. Kingdoms rose and fell, and God's Love & Mercy was Preached.
Now almost 2000 years later, His Story has become History... with Christ's message saturating the earth. The Bible has been read by vast Billions... with no other book coming close to its publicity.
John 3:16 is one of the most searched items on the internet.
Some Love Him... Some Hate Him... But Christ and what He stands for... and did... is known. I wonder what comes next?
November 12th
He Changed Everything...
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