Noah Listened & Floated Safe & Sound...

While The Average Joe Listened NOT... & Was Justly Drowned.


Abraham Listened & Found The Promised Land...

While Lot's Wife Listened NOT... & Became Naught But Salty Sand.


Moses Listened & Set God's People Free...

While Pharaoh Listened NOT... & Sadly Sank Below The Sea.


Samson Listened & Became Stronger Than An Ox...

While Delilah Listened NOT... & Stole Ol' Samson's Locks.


Esther Listened & Convinced The King To Let God's People Be

While Hamen Listened Not... & Was Rightly Hung Upon A Tree.


David Listened & Sang Psalms Of Faith... So Clear...

While Saul Listened Not... & Grievously Fell Upon His Spear.


Bottom Line Is... There are a lot of voices out there calling. Everything depends on Who You Listen to.

January 27th
You Are... Who You Listen To & Believe