Before My Wife Went To Bed She Prayed... "Lord We Really Need A Miracle To Get Through All This." As she was sleeping she had a dream and the Lord came to her and smiled and said... "Don't Worry Little One... Miracles... Are My Forte." She awoke with a real peace and trust and soon thereafter... everything worked out.


Do You Need A Miracle???  He Ever Lives To Save. Not just Eternally... but Right Now...  In This Life Also.


The Word Saved comes from the Greek Word SOZO.  It means... To Save, Deliver, Defend... To Make You Whole Again... To Back You In All You Do. Jesus Wants To... SOZO... YOU!


Nothing Is Too Hard For Him.


Miracles Really Are... His Forte.

James 4:2-3/ Psalms 84:11

January 19th
A Very Present Help in Times of Trouble Psalms 46:1