Sometimes the Lord sends the poor... the discouraged... the hopeless... the helpless and the needy to us... As A TEST... to see where we're at.
If you want to know someone's heart... see how they treat folks who can do nothing for them. Hebrews 13:2
The Good Samaritan Got Seemingly Nothing Out of Helping the man who was beaten and left for dead.” Luke 10:25-37
The Widow Who Gave Her Last Pennies as an offering... Looked Small in The Eyes of The Wealthy... But Jesus Said she gave more than them all. Mark 12:41-44
Bottom Line: He Does See... And He Knows!
Your Father Which Sees in Secret... Himself Shall Reward You Openly. Matthew 6:6
The Lord said unto Samuel... the Lord Sees Not as Man Sees; for man Looks on the Outward Appearance, but the Lord... Looks On the Heart. 1st Samuel 16:7

January 25th
Actions Speak Louder Than Words