One lesson I have to continually learn is that... "His Ways Are Not My Ways." He often sees things very differently than I do.


I think every big thing I have ever done in my life... came after my plans or my ideas crashed and burned. Then... out of the ashes... He picked me up and won great victories. But... it was always clear... that it was Him... Not Me!


So if things aren't working out... Don't Get Upset... Get Quiet... Be Still... And Know That He Is In Control.


It Pays To Trust Him.


Only He Sees The Full Picture.


Only He can lead you beside the still waters. Only He Can Restore Your Soul! Only He can defeat the giants that oppose you.


Be Still... & Know That He Is God! Psalms 46:10

January 3rd
In Quietness and Confidence Shall Be Your Strength Isaiah 30:15