If this book was was found in the self-help section... they'd probably call it... "Life for Dummies." All the info we need to have a Great Life. The problem is... folks often think they know better than the experts... OK... well... at least I did.

I tried all this stuff, and it just left me empty. In the end... I had everything I could want... but nothing that satisfied. That's when I prayed to receive Jesus... and He changed my life.

I started reading the "Life For Dummies" book and I was shocked. In some ways... it made no sense... but on the other hand... It Was Perfect.

Love Your enemies... do good to those that despitefully use you... even pray for em. Sacrifice, love, help, give and serve... but... the Book went on to explain that... You Reap What You Sow.

Love... and you will be loved...

Give and you will receive...

Help and you will be helped.

I tried following the instruction manual... and 50 years later I can tell you... IT WORKS!

The Lord is a pretty straight shooter. He makes things real clear... IF... we will but listen, believe and follow.

It's All In His "Life for Dummies" Book... "THE BIBLE!"

November 8th
Self-Help Section Book Review