Let God Be The Judge

It's so easy to condemn... but... are you sure? Have you got all the facts? Can you see the whole picture?


Sometimes the answer is yes. Sometimes the Lord will lead you to make a righteous decision or judgement. If you know... that ya know... that ya know... then go for it.


Sometimes though... we don't know... we aren't sure... and we don't understand everything. In those times it's better to err on the side of love, patience and kindness.


He that answers a matter before he hears it, it is folly and shame unto him. Proverbs 18:13


Even with your enemies... Jesus said to love them and turn the other cheek. Matthew 5:39-48 You might be the only sample of God's love that they will ever see. Who's to say what has made them that way... and who's to say that our loving sample might not be the key to winning them for the Lord.


For Some Folks... The Only Bible They Will Ever Read... Is The One Bound In Shoe Leather.  --  D.L. Moody

December 9th
Love Suffers Long... And Is Kind