Many times in my life I have wound up where I didn't want to be... Surrounded by folks I didn't want to be with... Doing things I really didn't want to do. BUT... God always had a reason.
A long life has taught me to trust that The Lord knows best. I was there to help someone or to learn a lesson I desperately needed to learn. It was never an accident.
Not that we should be satisfied with second best or living in want... BUT, there are times when we have to go down to someone else's level to show them that Jesus loves them.
Sometimes We Have To Be A Light In A Dark Place. --- And really... honestly... isn't that the greatest job we have to do. Isn't that what He did for us.
He Left The Beauty & Perfection of Heaven... to come down here and take on the form of lowly man. He had to eat... he had to poop... he had to suffer all the trials and humiliations we do. Finally having been perfect... sinless... blameless... he had to die a criminals death... being tortured and crucified so that we could live. He Did All That For Us.
Shouldn't We Be Willing To Do Anything For Him.
Philippians 4:11
January 11th
A Good Soldier Doesn't Ask Why
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