Jesus said, “Take Up Your Cross & Follow Me.” Matthew 16:24-26 What’s "YOUR" cross? I have no idea... but... I do know this... He won’t give you more than you can handle. “You Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens You.” Philippians 4:13

It’s IMPORTANT TO CONSIDER the previous verses, Philippians 4:11&12, where Paul speaks of Being Content whether HUNGRY OR FULL... Abounding or Abased... Having Everything or Having Nothing. Dwelling on the good... not the bad.

Paul’s focus... his calling was to Reach the World for Jesus... IRREGARDLESS OF Death, Dungeon or Sword. Millions have done the same. That’s why we have the Gospel today.

Your cross, job or calling might look horrible... it might seem impossible... BUT... It Won’t Be! You can do it. “His Yoke Is Easy & His Burden Is Light!” Matthew 11:28-30 He’ll Give You The Grace... To run Your Race!

I know a guy working 3 jobs to support a mission work. He’s almost 70 years old and he feels that’s his calling. He loves doing it and he’s a witness wherever he goes. Funny thing is... where others his age are in old folks' homes, wasting away... he’s healthy. He knows it’s a lot but he says... “if it kills me... I’ll die happy.” I wouldn’t be surprised if he lives to be 100. God Bless Him!

I know another fellow raising foster kids... he’s also old... but feels it’s his calling to give these kids Christ. The stories are almost endless... teachers teaching... missionaries reaching foreign lands... grandmas teaching their friends and families. Many persons but the same Hands of Christ reaching out to touch the world.

BOTTOM LINE... If He Takes You to It...He’ll See You Through It! 

October 18th
You Can... Because... He Can!