Never Be Afraid To Follow God... For... Where He Guides... He Provides... and Protects... & Keeps.
If you want to be afraid... be afraid of being selfish and stubborn and full of this world. Be afraid of compromising and justifying evil for gain. If you do those things then I would be afraid... Very Afraid.
In Life, There Are Real Dangers, but the greatest danger is getting outside the shadow of the Lord's protection. In a long life, I've watched folks carefully do everything right...only to wind up suffering some sad accident or sickness or evil.
On the other hand, I've watched others... who have seemingly done everything wrong... giving up all they owned and every comfort to be a missionary and follow God... And I've watched them have the most wonderful and blessed lives. Lives of love and joy... prosperity and fulfillment.
The Key Is... "Seek Ye 1st The Kingdom Of God... Then All These Things Will Be Added Unto You." Matthew 6:33 You can't put the cart before the horse.
It Is A Dangerous World... But so it was for Daniel in the Lion's Den... Or Peter & John in prison. How about the hardships that Paul faced... BUT WOW... What Lives They Lived... They Changed the world. Can you picture Moses walking back into Egypt after being wanted as a murderer? Or How about Abraham leaving his country... with only a promise from God. Today he is the father of faith and his descendants are more than the stars of heaven. Even if His Will should ultimately lead you to a CROSS like it did for Jesus... God Will See You Through & Raise You Up To Eternal Victory.
It's A Dangerous World... YES... BUT... There is no better and safer place to be than in the center of God's Will. Put The Lord 1st & He Will Keep You. "A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh you." Psalms 91:7
October 19th
Under The Shadow of the Almighty
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