October 1st
He Came To Serve & Bids Us Do The Same

He could do anything... be anything... and he chose to be a simple man... born to simple parents. He didn't try and be a King... He didn't try and rake in the cash... he didn't try and use folks.

What he did do was... heal the sick... feed the hungry... encourage the downtrodden.

He could have been the BIG CHEESE... but instead hung out with fishermen and some folks with questionable backgrounds.

He made it pretty simple... Not Show... Not Dough... Not Pride... Not Power... Not Anything This World Has To Offer. Instead He loved and cared for folks.

He Set The Sample.

Somewhere along the line I think a lot of folks have missed the main point. Our job is to Love & Serve.

He gave till it hurt. How much do we do that? It's never too late to do the right thing. Matthew 23:11-12