October 2nd
With Men This is Impossible... With God All Things Are Possible

If He can make a Flower... a Sunset... a Universe... Then What Can’t He Do?Matthew 19:26

Behold the fowls of the air... not one of them falls except your Father knows it. Matthew 6:26... & 10:29 How much more precious are you than these?

The Greatest victories in the Bible Were ALWAYS When Things Looked The Most Hopeless.

Joseph... Unjustly Thrown into Prison. 

Moses... with his back Against the Sea. 

Christ Crucified... Dead Upon The Cross.

So Don’t Despair... Christ Is There... And He Cares!

Cry Unto Him With a Whole Heart. Seek Him with Tears!

It’s Not That Our Stories Have Trouble... Every Good Tail is Filled with Trials.       It’s How The Story Ends That Counts.