September 7th
He Sees Your Problem... Your Heartbreak... Whatever It Is. And More Than Just Seeing It... He Wants to Fix It.

I guess one of the biggest trials we face... is that in times of difficulty... we can feel that no one knows or understands. But Nothing Could Be Further From the Truth. Hebrew 7:25

Every hair of your head is numbered. Luke 12:6&7 And every sparrow that has ever flown... is seen. Not one of them falls. Except your Father Knows it. Matthew 10:29

So Stop Worrying! Stop It NOW!

As Mark Twain once said... “I’m an old man... and I’ve had many troubles... most of which never happened.”

Don’t ruin today by worrying about tomorrow. And if today you have a difficulty... Take It To The Fixer... the only one who can really help. Take It To The Lord!

When All Others Forsake Us... When Every Hope Is Lost... When All Our Dreams Have Crashed and Burned... We Will Still Have Him... AND WHAT’S MORE... He Will Still Have us... and He won’t let go.