September 27th
We Love Him Because He 1st Loved Us

Hey Zacchaeus... you crook... you scoundrel... come down from that tree... I'm going to your house today. Luke 19:5-9

Hey Matthew... you lying, cheating tax collector, come follow me and be one of my disciples. Matthew 9:9-13

Hey Paul(Saul)... You helped murder one of my dearest friends... I've got a job for you, buddy. Acts 9:1-19

Hey lying, loose Samaritan lady at the well... if you'd ask of me... I'd give you eternal life. John 4:11-14

Hey girl about to be stoned to death for your sins... you're off the hook... go and sin no more. John 8:1-11

He knows it all... The Good, The Bad & The Ugly... and Still... He Love Us... And Still... He Died To Save Us! 1 John 4:19 We've been forgiven much... that's why we love Him so much. John 8:1-11 'Tis a debt we can never repay.